In this week's
readings, Aristotle claims that the one distinguishable difference between
humans and all other life on Earth is our capacity for reason. Ultimately, it
is this ability to rationalize our world that allows humans to arrive at a
"state that makes a human being good and makes him perform his function
well"(39). By doing well repeatedly, a person becomes virtuous, and in
virtue true happiness is found.
As discussed in class,
this notion that humans are the only species capable of reason is quite hard to
prove due to the lack of ability to communicate with other species; however, I
believe that observations of certain species have already proven the
rationality of other animals, although at a more basic level. For example, the
organized social structure and complex body language used by wolves
displays the ability of other species to analyze and make logical decisions
based on their situation and also to organize themselves to better benefit the
pack. While the wolves may not be philosophizing about whether it’s morally
right to chase down a baby fawn, it is clear by preexisting observations that
wolves analyze their situation and form judgments on what the best response
will be for themselves as well as their pack. Other such cases of
animal rationality can be found with dolphins, primates, and a variety of other
Overall, whether you
believe in the rationality of other animals depends entirely on your
own definition of reason. Therefore, what is your basis of a rational being? Are there any other characteristics uniquely human, or
are we just trying to cling to falsehoods because we don't like being compared
to stinky animals? Personally, I believe humans are no different from animals
in any way, there is not a single defining characteristic uniquely human, and that
there is no discernible evidence to convince me otherwise. In other words, prove me wrong.
According to the Bible man is to rule over the livestock and all wild animals. Genesis 1:26 says "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." This is what makes us different from animals. The Bible confirms there are rather major differences in the way humans make moral judgements. Both Adam and Eve had a personal relationship with God in the Garden of Eden, such a personal relationship is not seen for any other animal species. It is the presence of the Spirit that separates that was instilled in humans that separate us from any other animal. Humans are made up of the body, soul and spirit, animals do not have this within them. According to God we are special. We are His. We are created in his image and to rule over the other creatures on this earth.