Friday, March 27, 2015

The Proletariat/Bourgeoisie Conflict In Today's World

American worth is fundamentally based upon the material one owns. Material can be anything such as money, power, fame, and etc. Why is it that we can never have enough of this material? Endless dissatisfaction is what capitalism thrives off of. We are always wanting more and more of things. If the bourgeoisie keep the people wanting more, then the more money they will make.  It’s hard for me to understand why things are the way they are. First its doctors providing medications to patients that sometimes are not necessary just for profit. Now diseases cannot fully be cured, but instead maintained to also keep profit flowing in. I understand that if there were a cure that it would be extremely expensive, but why should it have to be that way? Why not for the preservation of life instead of for some degree profit. The concept of maintaining diseases may not all be for profit though. I can somewhat agree that the proletariat class will overrule the bourgeoisie in Marx's world. Communism "is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes money and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order" Communism seems like a reasonable way to govern society for the fact that it promotes a sense of social equality and that would eliminate the suffering of the extremely poor, but not all of it is good. Communism would be hard to for one to adjust to for the fact that no one wants their stuff taken away from them in a way. In a way communism limits the freedom of the individual. I’m not willing to give up my freedom for the equality of the whole. Want to know why? The idea of having private property or, in other words, having my own stuff has been born into not only me, but in all of us. Private property gives us a since of power and security. I would not feel comfortable with the government being responsible for my daily intake of wants and needs.

1 comment:

  1. The problem lies in the fault of mankind. None of us are perfect, but a large majority wants to be the people that others look up to and envy. Because they have the nice cars or the big house, someone is always trying to beat them. The capitalism system works on the principle of "Keeping Up with the Joneses". Because they have it and are so happen then i must have it to make me happy. I do admit that i fall into this trap sometimes, as we all do. The real culprit i say again is people. We are so attached to our things, like you said, that is would be unthinkable to let them go to someone else. If there was not a monetary system that controlled everything then all of the problems would be non existent. We place a price on things that can be obtained by the goodness of nature that people have if we just would let them. The Native Americans would share meals and the lad did not belong to them but they merely used it and then moved on and allowed some other people to do the same. This is sharing the gifts that you have and becoming a people who do not make work rewarded by money to spend on useless things, but reward work with life and community. This is what we are missing today


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