Friday, November 20, 2015

Moral Courage

During this week's symposium, we discussed the recent attacks in Paris, as well as the Syrian refugee crisis. While we discussed how Marx, Nietschze, and Sartre would've responded, I am curious to see as to how people in our society will respond. Is it our moral responsibility to aid those in need? Many people believe that it is not our responsibility to take in the Syrian refugees, while several other people state that it is our moral obligation. I personally believe that it is our duty to aid those in need. Many Americans are afraid of opening the doors to these refugees because they believe that among these refugees, are the sick and twisted people who belong to ISIS. Yes, this is a serious concern, but none of the Paris attackers were identified as Syrian refugees. These refugees are afraid of the same threat as we are, ISIS. I believe that one of ISIS's goal was to turn the world against Muslims. As a Muslim, it is frustrating and heart breaking to see people that I consider my friends start questioning all Muslims from the acts of a few. The fact the France is willing to take in over 30,000 refugees after the tragic attacks in Paris is something that we as Americans need to learn from. Recently, I read an article that stated "6 Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris." According to the article, since 1980, none of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have come from the Middle East to America have been terrorists. I feel that it is hypocritical of us to say that "All Lives Matter" when many people are unwilling to help thousands of children and women who have nothing but the clothes off their backs. As the holidays are approaching, especially Thanksgiving, we need to keep in mind that we can not take anything for granted. While we celebrate with our loved ones in this wonderful country, thousands of innocent people are fleeing their homes. The most important thing that stood out to me in the article was that America should demonstrate "moral courage." During World War II, America sent back thousands of Jews due to security concerns. If there's one thing that we should learn from this, it's that we should deal with threats to our nation without "rejecting our ethical obligations." "The definition of moral courage is is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity."

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say that it is our moral responsibility to take in refugees. I believe that innocent people do not need to be exposed to destruction in their own area of living. In America, people take everything that we have for granted. We don't know what it is like to live life in a war stricken society. These types of places really lower the value on friendship, education, and evolving. By taking in these innocent people would be doing an act of goodness.


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