Thursday, October 29, 2015

Nietzche and Weak vs. Strong

We read, “The Genealogy of Morals,” this week in class and discussed the beliefs of Nietzche. Nietzche believed that there were two classes of people in the world. The first class being strong, brave, and noble. These people believe that it is ultimately bad to be weak. The second class of people are the “weak” people or as he call it, “the slaves.” These people are described as, ‘ressentiment,’ which refers to the inability to say yes to life. Life meaning to be strong and conquering everything. Because of their weakness, the slave people decided to revolt in morality and say that they’re powerful also. An example of this is when. a weak person could tell a strong person that they shouldn’t hurt them because they’re weak. In all actuality, the strong and there’s nothing wrong with that. The weak manipulated the strong.

1 comment:

  1. I think Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals is by far the most confusing thing we've learned this semester. I agree with you that the slave's strength is the manipulation of the strong when it comes to being "too weak." What I don't understand is who labels someone as strong or weak? Is a person born with strength or does one strive to achieve it? Can a slave become a noble by changing their way of living?


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