Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Society Needs Laws

This week while going over Immanuel Kant’s, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, we learned that everyone has a necessary duty. Duty is defined as the necessity to act out of reverence for the law. Laws are what keeps society in order. They believe in being autonomous which is being self-governing. They think laws are good if we’re compelled for the benefits of ourself. I personally believe that this is a good belief because every society should have a set of laws. Without laws there would be no structure for a society. I agree, some people can control themselves, but some people have no self control whatsoever. People need guidance for the sake of the goodness of the society.
It is also believed that people perform maxims which is a principle upon one acts. One of the main things of Kant’s beliefs is one should act only in such a way that you can will the maxim of your action as a universal law. I believe this means that with every action you make, make sure that you are acting under a universal law and make moral decisions. This is a easy way for people to stray away from the wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and your statement that society needs law in order to maintain peace. However, I do believe that some people would still maintain that good will and still have self control over their actions. If there were no laws whatsoever though others would do whatever they want and not even think twice about it.


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