Wednesday we talked about the
concept of suicide in class. The stoics say that if your life is in such chaos that
you cannot actively practice Wisdom, Courage, Justice and Temperance. Then it
is the logical thing to do is to commit suicide. I can understand where their
ideas stem from this in how they want to actively be able to practice these
virtues and reach a form of happiness. However, where my view differs is in
their idea of wanting to follow their virtues whenever they can and avoid
failing to do them. For example, in class I said how it is not temperate to
commit such an extreme act. And this extreme act goes against the virtue of
temperance, creating a paradox. The man who considers killing himself but does
not creates such a paradox. He thinks, “I cannot follow the virtues, I must end
my life,” but then in choosing not to, he practices the virtue of temperance but
then his earlier statement is proven wrong.
Many people would agree that the
person in such a bad state – for example under a dictatorship – has the power
to kill himself no more or less than before he was put in to such a state. That
is to say that this man is committing suicide for two reasons, 1) because he
feels he cannot actively practice the four Cardinal virtues, and 2) because he doesn’t
like the place he is in. While some may say that those are two very good arguments,
I disagree. I believe that the stoics put too much stock into how much they
needed the Cardinal Virtues. While they are extremely important and good to
live out as often as possible, I feel that they break the fourth one of
Temperance in committing suicide for something that could be very opinionated.
That is to say, some people in the bad state may not think it is that bad,
therefore those who are not upset at life at the moment would say that the man
who kills himself is ignorant for not seeing what they see. Whereas another man
agreeing with the suicidal man would disagree saying that the other man had no
choice and had to end his life. I just don’t think that the stoics thought the
process through of how bad off they really were.
The Stoics do believe that if one isn't able to follow the four virtues then committing suicide is the best alternative. However I do see your point in that just committing suicide is a paradox of the virtue temperance which is suppose to be one of the virtues to follow. I didn't think about that until now.